Heath and Safety Protocols at Positive Bright Start
Hi Friends,
We bet you're tired of hearing the ways in which everyone is trying to stay safe, but we thought it worthwhile to let you know how we're doing things here at Positive Bright Start, getting things done, but also protecting ourselves and our families and clients.
First, here's a note from our Therapist team:
Following the direction and recommendations of the Governor of Kansas and our local Health Department, as well as taking guidance from the National Association of Social Workers, the therapy team has come up with the following protocols for in person therapy sessions:
We maintain high levels of sanitation at all times, but have recently enhanced cleaning in the waiting area and session rooms. Some toys have been removed and others are sanitized after each use.
Clients will be asked to remain in their vehicles until time for their appointment, whenever possible. Clients will be scheduled at least 30 minutes apart in order to allow time for disinfection between sessions and to reduce contact between clients and families.
Upon entry to the office, clients will have a temp check and screening. Children will be directed to wash hands both before and after their session.
Clients and families are asked to stay home if they are exhibiting any symptoms of an acute respiratory illness or have had a fever within the previous 24 hours.
From our School:
DROP OFF & PICK UP -- Parents will wear masks and walk their child to a marked spot on the curb in front of the school. The child will then walk to meet their classroom teacher for a Health Screening. When the teacher gives the ok, the parent can leave and the child can enter the classroom. Please, only one family at the curb at a time, so wait in your car if possible. At the end of the day, parents can call the classroom when they arrive and a teacher will walk their child to the curb to meet them.
HEALTH SCREENINGS -- Children and teachers will be screened each day for symptoms, including a fever over 100.4 degrees F, cough, and shortness of breath. Temperatures will be taken and logged at arrival and departure. If any signs of illness are observed, a doctors note is required to attend care.
EXCLUSION POLICY -- Children and teachers will not be admitted if:
Any travel withing the last 14 days to a state or country identified by KDHE as required for isolation or quarantine, or a hotspot per CDC
Any exposure to an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. Child will need to be excluded from school for 14 days upon confirmed exposure.
As mentioned above, if a child exhibits symptoms, a doctors note is required to attend.
We follow the guidelines and recommendations set forth by the CDC, KDHE, and Douglas County Health Department.
A deep disinfecting and sanitizing routine will be performed before open and after close each day, in addition to cleaning and disinfecting throughout the day.
Teachers will wear masks.
Other than students and teachers, there will be a strict limitation on who is in the classrooms. Anyone needing to enter will be required to wear a mask.
Neither children nor teachers will overlap into a different classroom.
Parents/Guardians are required t wear mask at drop off and pick up.
Precautionary drop offs, pick ups, and health screenings will be implemented.
During meals and snacks, children will eat 6 feet apart. No family style meals will be served at this time and a teacher will prepare each plate. Disposable products will be used at this time.
Cots will be 6 feet apart at nap time.
Toys, surfaces, outdoor play equipment, and nap times will be disinfected and sanitized before opening and after close, and as needed throughout the day. There will be no playdough, kinetic sand, etc.
Constant healthy hand hygiene will be practiced.
Should a child become sick at school, the child will be isolated and parents will need to pick up immediately. Exclusion policy will be strictly enforced and a doctor’s note is required to return to care.
Tuition payments will not be made at the school.
KDHE: https://www.coronavirus.kdheks.gov/175/Travel-Exposure-Related-Isolation-Quaran
CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Read the full Classrooms COVID-19 Operating Procedures document here.
At the Office:
The front door will be kept locked, and visitors will ring the bell.
All staff, clients, and visitors will use hand sanitizer, then sign in and temp check upon entry.
All visitors are asked to wear wear masks.
Staff will wear masks and observe 6 ft distancing when gathering, at face to face meetings, and keep meeting room doors open whenever possible.
Each staff member will keep their office door shut when working alone with mask off, windows open when and where possible.
Staff agrees to:
self monitor for symptoms and potential exposure, and to stay home if symptoms appear,
practice precautions outside of work such as wearing masks in public places, handwashing, not travel to recognized hot spots.
* Masks, temp checks, gathering protocols, and waiting room use for clients and families can be adjusted at their therapist's discretion. *